2018-04-26 16:43:52 -07:00

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A Hugo theme for creating Reveal.js presentations that allows you to put multiple slides in the same markdown file.

screenshot of reveal-hugo

The motivation behind creating this theme is pretty simple - I didn't want to have to manage one markdown file for every slide, which would add the overhead of coming up with a file name, setting a weight param in the front matter to keep it in order, etc, all for just a few lines of text. Instead, I like to organize groups of slides into a smaller number of markdown files, each representing a section of the presentation.


Using reveal-hugo, a three-slide presentation can be created with just one markdown file, like so:

# English


# Français


# Espagñol

The only requirement is to demarcate slides with --- surrounded by newlines.


Visit to see an presentation created with this theme that shows more ways to use it.


To create the default presentation (the one that will live at the site root), the theme will look for all Hugo pages that have a type of reveal. That means they're in a reveal directory in the content folder OR the type is manually set to reveal in the front matter.

type = 'reveal'

Use the weight param in the front matter to specify the order that the pages should appear in the presentation.

weight = 20

Section presentations

To create more than one presentation per repository, organize the content into sections. Section presentations will include content from each file in that section. Again, use the weight param to order the sections.


Fragments are a Reveal.js concept that lets you introduce content into each slide incrementally. Borrowing the concept from hugo-theme-revealjs, you can use a fragment shortcode to accomplish this in reveal-hugo in the same way.

# Let's count to three...
{{% fragment %}} One {{% /fragment %}}
{{% fragment %}} Two {{% /fragment %}}
{{% fragment %}} Three {{% /fragment %}}


  • params.reveal_theme: The Reveal.js theme used, defaults to "black"