Improve logic for detecting whether shortcode has content inside

This commit is contained in:
dzello 2018-07-22 11:50:06 +02:00
parent f8a8c06266
commit 52eec0fd6a
1 changed files with 7 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{{- .Scratch.Set "slides" slice -}} {{- .Scratch.Set "slides" slice -}}
{{- if trim .Inner "\n" -}} {{- if len .Inner -}}
{{- .Scratch.Add "slides" .Inner -}} {{- .Scratch.Add "slides" .Inner -}}
{{- end -}} {{- end -}}
{{- if .Get "content" -}} {{- $content := .Get "content" -}}
{{- $lookup := split (.Get "content") "." -}} {{- if $content -}}
{{- $lookup := split $content "." }}
{{- $html := index .Page.Site.Data (index $lookup 0) (index $lookup 1) | markdownify -}} {{- $html := index .Page.Site.Data (index $lookup 0) (index $lookup 1) | markdownify -}}
{{- $slides := split $html "<hr />" -}} {{- $slides := split $html "<hr />" -}}
{{- $scratch := .Scratch -}} {{- $scratch := .Scratch -}}
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@
{{- end -}} {{- end -}}
{{- $attributes := slice "background-color" "background-image" "background-size" "background-position" "background-repeat" "transition" "transition-speed" "background-iframe" "background-interactive" "background-video" "background-video-loop" "background-video-muted" -}} {{- $attributes := slice "background-color" "background-image" "background-size" "background-position" "background-repeat" "transition" "transition-speed" "background-iframe" "background-interactive" "background-video" "background-video-loop" "background-video-muted" -}}
{{- $params := . -}} {{- $params := . -}}
{{- range .Scratch.Get "slides" -}} {{- range .Scratch.Get "slides" }}
<section data-noprocess <section data-noprocess data-shortcode-slide
{{- range $attribute := $attributes -}} {{- range $attribute := $attributes -}}
{{- with $params.Get $attribute }} data-{{ $attribute | safeHTMLAttr }}="{{ . }}"{{ end -}} {{- with $params.Get $attribute }} data-{{ $attribute | safeHTMLAttr }}="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}> {{- end -}}>