#!/bin/sh # {{ ansible_managed }} # PROVIDE: s6-rc # REQUIRE: NETWORKING daemon # KEYWORD: shutdown etc_dir="{{ s6_etc_dir }}" scan_dir="{{ s6_scan_dir }}" live_dir="{{ s6_live_dir }}" EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 EX_CONFIG=78 . /etc/rc.subr export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" name=s6_rc rcvar=s6_rc_enable extra_commands="reload status" start_cmd="s6_rc_start &" stop_cmd="s6_rc_stop" reload_cmd="s6_rc_reload" status_cmd="s6_rc_status" s6_timeout=300 # seconds up_timeout=300000 # milliseconds down_timeout=300000 # milliseconds update_timeout=300000 # milliseconds s6_wait() { local i=0 while ! s6-svscanctl -z "$scan_dir" 2>/dev/null; do if [ $i -ge $s6_timeout ]; then echo "Timeout waiting for s6-svscan." >&2 return 1 fi if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "Waiting for s6-svscan." >&2 else echo -n . >&2 fi sleep 1 i=$((i + 1)) done if [ $i -gt 0 ]; then echo >&2 fi return 0 } s6_rc_init() { if [ ! -e "$live_dir" ]; then s6-rc-init -l "$live_dir" "$scan_dir" fi } s6_rc_up() { s6-rc -l "$live_dir" -v 2 -u -t "$up_timeout" change enabled } s6_rc_down() { s6-rc -l "$live_dir" -v 2 -d -a -t "$down_timeout" change } s6_rc_start() { if ! s6_wait; then return 1 fi s6_rc_init s6_rc_up } s6_rc_stop() { s6_rc_down } s6_rc_reload() { local uuid="$(uuidgen)" cd "$etc_dir" echo "Compiling the s6-rc service definitions into a services database: $etc_dir/service -> $etc_dir/.compiled.$uuid." if ! s6-rc-compile -v 2 ".compiled.$uuid" service; then echo "Failed to compile the service definitions into a services database." >&2 return $EX_CONFIG fi echo "Updating the running s6-rc service manager to the latest compiled services database: $etc_dir/.compiled.$uuid." if s6-rc-update -l "$live_dir" -v 2 -t $update_timeout "$etc_dir/.compiled.$uuid"; then echo "Marking the running services database as selected default configuration: .compiled.$uuid -> compiled." ln -shf ".compiled.$uuid" compiled echo "Deleting stale services databases." if ! find -s . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '.compiled.*' -not -name ".compiled.$uuid" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r; then echo "Failed to delete stale services databases." >&2 return $EX_CONFIG fi else echo "Failed to update the running s6-rc manager to the latest service database." >&2 return $EX_CONFIG fi } s6_rc_status() { local result=0 # Check if s6-svscan is responsive by asking it to invoke its reaper (almost a NOP) if s6-svscanctl -z "$scan_dir" 2>/dev/null; then echo "The s6-svscan supervisor is responsive." else echo "The s6-svscan supervisor is unavailable." result=1 fi if [ -e "$live_dir" ]; then echo "The s6-rc service manager has been initialized." echo echo "These services are currently active:" s6-rc -l "$live_dir" -a list else echo "The s6-rc service manager is uninitalized." result=1 fi return $result } load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1"