# Ansible role gitea - Install a gitea server This role installs and manages a [gitea](https://gitea.io) server - [Source code & screenshots](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea). Gitea is a Golang Git repository webapp, having the same look and feel as GitHub. It is still under developpement, see "Disclaimer" if you can't make it work. ## Sample exemple of use in a playbook The following have been tested with Debian 8, it should work on Ubuntu as well. ```yaml - name: "Install gitea" hosts: all vars: gitea_user: "gitea" gitea_home: "/var/lib/gitea" # To limit your users to 30 repos gitea_user_repo_limit: 30 # Not to make use of any CDN gitea_offline_mode: true # Some 'rendering' options for your URLs gitea_http_domain: git.yourdomain.fr gitea_root_url: https://git.yourdomain.fr # Here we assume we are behind a reverse proxy that will # handle https for us, so we bind on localhost:3000 using HTTP gitea_protocol: http gitea_http_listen: gitea_http_port: 3000 # SSH server configuration gitea_ssh_listen: gitea_ssh_port: 2222 # For URLs rendering again gitea_ssh_domain: git.yourdomain.fr gitea_start_ssh: true gitea_ssh_port: 2222 gitea_secret_key: 3sp00ky5me gitea_disable_gravatar: true # To make at least your first user register gitea_disable_registration: false gitea_require_signin: true gitea_enable_captcha: true gitea_show_user_email: false roles: - gitea ``` ## More detailed options ### General * `gitea_user`: UNIX user used by Gitea * `gitea_home`: Base directory to work ### Look and feel * `gitea_app_name`: Displayed application name * `gitea_show_user_email`: Do you share emails ? (true/false) * `gitea_disable_gravatar`: Do you disable Gravatar ? (privacy and so on) (true/false) * `gitea_offline_mode`: Same but with disabling CDNs (true/false) * `gitea_disable_registration`: Do you disable user registration ? (true/false) * `gitea_require_signin`: Do you require signin to see things (even public ones) ? (true/false) * `gitea_enable_captcha`: Do you enable captcha ? (true/false) * `gitea_secret_key`: Cookie secret key ### Limits * `gitea_user_repo_limit`: Limit how many repos your user can have (-1 for unlimited) ### HTTP configuration * `gitea_http_domain`: HTTP domain (displayed in your clone URLs, just the domain like git.foo.fr) * `gitea_root_url`: Root URL used to access your web app (full URL) * `gitea_protocol`: Listening protocol (http/https) * `gitea_http_listen`: Bind address * `gitea_http_port`: Bind port * `gitea_disable_http_git`: Disable the use of Git over HTTP ? (true/false) ### SSH configuration * `gitea_ssh_listen`: Bind address for the SSH server * `gitea_ssh_domain`: SSH domain (displayed in your clone URLs) * `gitea_start_ssh`: Do you start the SSH server ? (true/false) * `gitea_ssh_port`: SSH bind port ## Disclaimer This module is currently a work in progress. For now it is only able to install gitea from the Github Release, in a fixed version for Linux amd64, on systems using systemd. This said, it should work on every major Linux distribution, it has been tested successfully on Debian Jessie 64 bits. Also it only supports the sqlite3 driver for now, but I'll improve soon. ## Contributing Do not hesitate to make me a pull request, and when in doubt you can reach me on Twitter [@thomas_maurice](https://twitter.com/thomas_maurice). I also would be happy to fix the issues that would be opened. ## Author This role is written by [Thomas Maurice](https://thomas.maurice.fr).